Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the Online Diploma in NLP Coaching

  • 2

    Day 1 - Section 1

    • Setting the scene & course delegate introductions - 21 mins

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    Day 1 - Section 2

    • Laura's Story & how NLP helped transform her - 24 mins

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    Day 1 - Section 3

    • Why Coach, What is Coaching & the role of a Coach - 37 mins

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    Day 1 - Section 4

    • Traditional 'Conscious Mind' Coaching vs. the results of NLP Coaching (GROW Model) - 19 mins

    • Why is NLP so useful in Coaching & why we need Unconscious Mind coaching for long term results - 20 mins

  • 6

    Day 1 - Section 5

    • History of NLP & What is Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) - 23 mins

    • What is NLP (cont.) empowering people to change their thinking programs - 25 mins

  • 7

    Day 1 - Section 6

    • NLP Communication Model (how your mind works) - 24 mins

  • 8

    Day 1 - Section 7

    • How to help clients build confidence - The Circle of Confidence exercise - 17 mins

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    Day 1 - Section 8

    • 4 Themes of NLP (foundation of success mindset) - 20 mins

    • Themes of NLP (foundation of success mindset) (Cont.) and changing beliefs - 13 mins

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    Day 1 - Section 9

    • Presuppositions of NLP - 20 mins

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    Day 1 - Section 10

    • The Learning State & a way to dampen down nerves - 6 mins

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    Day 1 - Section 11

    • Representational System - what are they & how to identify them - 18 mins

    • Representational System (cont.) - interpreting scores, utilisation and development - 27 mins

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    Day 1 - Section 12

    • Rapport - the basis of effective communication - 27 mins

    • Rapport - an exercise to build it and recover it once broken - 17 mins

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    Day 2 - Section 1

    • Introduction to Day 2 & Recap of Day 1 - 7 mins

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    Day 2 - Section 2

    • Goal Setting in the NLP way & 5 principles to success - 23 mins

    • Goal Setting in the NLP way (cont.) the process: Keys to Achievable Outcomes - 22 mins

    • Goal Setting in the NLP way (cont.) Keys to Achievable Outcomes (cont.)- 14 mins

  • 16

    Day 2 - Section 3

    • Perceptual Positions - a coaching tool to gain insights - 18 mins

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    Day 2 - Section 4

    • Introduction to Language - Watch Words & Power of Yet - 12 mins

    • Language - Linguistic Presuppositions - 12 mins

  • 18

    Day 2 - Section 5

    • Introduction to Meta Model - the language of specificity - 5 mins

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    Day 2- Section 6

    • Introduction to Hierarchy of Ideas - becoming a more flexible communicator & a question to better manage overwhelm - 12 mins

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    Day 2 - Section 7

    • Introduction to Meta Programs - understanding preferences - 31 mins

    • Meta Programs (cont.)- understanding preferences - 22 mins

    • Meta Programs (cont.) - understanding preferences - 22 mins

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    Day 2 - Section 8

    • Feedback - how to give it effectively - 7 mins

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    Day 2 - Section 9

    • Introduction to Values - what's important to us and what motivates us - 15 mins

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    Day 2 - Section 10

    • Sensory Acuity - noticing the minute changes is physiology - 26 mins

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    Day 2- Section 11

    • Controlling your emotional state with NLP Anchoring - 29 mins

    • NLP Anchoring (Demonstration & Exercise) & Course Wrap Up - 14 mins

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