Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the Online NLP Business Diploma

  • 2

    Day 1 - Section 1

    • Setting the scene, course delegate introductions & how Laura got into NLP - 29 mins

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    Day 1 - Section 2

    • 3 elements of success in business, 2 business case studies & History of NLP - 23 mins

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    Day 1 - Section 3

    • Definition of NLP, what is your unconscious mind?, what is NLP really? - 30 mins

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    Day 1 - Section 4

    • NLP Communication Model (how your mind works). Understand how your thinking & physiology affect your feelings - 25 mins

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    Day 1 - Section 5

    • 4 Themes of NLP (foundation pillars of the NLP Mindset) - Empowerment, Perception is Projection, Responsibility for Value & Beliefs - 18 mins

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    Day 1 - Section 6

    • Presuppositions of NLP - convenient assumptions that form part of the NLP success mindset- 23 mins

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    Day 1 - Section 7

    • The Learning State - all learning takes places at the unconscious level - 17 mins

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    Day 1 - Section 8

    • Using preferences in language with Representational Systems - what are they & how to identify them - 27 mins

    • Representational Systems (cont.) - utilising them to improve your communication & how to develop your non preference - 19 mins

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    Day 1 - Section 9

    • Building Rapport: the basis of all effective communication - why it's beneficial & what it is - 25 mins

    • Building Rapport (cont.): the 6 steps to building rapport with anyone! - 20 mins

    • Building Rapport (cont.): utilising rapport building skills - 20 mins

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    Day 1 - Section 10

    • Goal setting the NLP way! - keys to achievable outcomes - 32 mins

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    Day 1 - Section 11

    • Perceptual Positions - for conflict resolution, problem solving & coaching - 20 mins

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    Day 2 - Section 1

    • Introduction to day 2 & introduction to language - 33 mins

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    Day 2 - Section 2

    • Linguistic Presuppositions & 2 ways to challenge limiting beliefs - 28 mins

    • Linguistic Presupposition (cont.) & introduction to Meta Model questioning techniques - 28 mins

  • 15

    Day 2 - Section 3

    • Introduction to Meta Programs - better influence, motivate, coach & lead others - 13 mins

    • Meta Programs (cont.)- understanding preferences - 26 mins

    • Meta Programs (cont.) - understanding preferences - 23 mins

    • Meta Programs (cont.) - understanding preferences - 29 mins

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    Day 2 - Section 4

    • Introduction to Hierarchy of Ideas (becoming a more flexible communicator), a question to better manage overwhelm & how to give feedback - 28 mins

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    Day 2 - Section 5

    • Introduction to Values: what motivates us, what's important to us and what we spend time on - 19 mins

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    Day 2- Section 6

    • Metaphors - a story with a purpose - use of, design and utilisation - 23 mins

    • Copy of Metaphors (cont.) - 28 mins

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    Day 2 - Section 7

    • Presentation skills - planning, preparing, charisma pattern & structure - 24 mins

    • Presentation skills (cont.) - gestures to enhance delivery, how to stand to be confident, how to avoid sabotaging your presentations - 28 mins